With a Grateful Heart

With a Grateful Heart

Every year during the holiday season, we reflect on what we are thankful for and how grateful we are for all of the wonderful things in our lives. Then the new year comes along, and we instantly forget those things to make our resolutions. I resolve to eat better, work better, sleep better, live better… better, better, better. What happened to all those things we are thankful for?

Lessons from a Little Drummer Boy

Lessons from a Little Drummer Boy

What’s your favorite Christmas song?

My friends tease me for it, but I will forever stand by “The Little Drummer Boy.” Specifically the 1965 Harry Simeone Chorale version, although I’ll admit the Pentatonix cover gives me chills. (Also, I like to pretend the Justin Bieber version with the rap in the middle doesn’t exist.) Even though it’s been around since long before I was born, there’s just something about Harry Simeone’s version that fills me with a warm sense of nostalgia whenever I listen to it.

But it’s more than that.

Let Our Hearts Adore

Let Our Hearts Adore

She’s the first thing I give my time and attention to in the morning and the last one I see before bed.

She goes everywhere with me; basically, attached to my hip.

She’s my shadow; following me everywhere I go, including the bathroom.

She vies for my attention; interrupting me often.

She cries out and raises her voice again if I don’t respond right away.

I respond to her every request.

She keeps me entertained.

I’ve captured many of my favorite memories with her.

She’s my 4-year-old… phone.

“I Was Just Being True To Myself” (And other lies we believe)

“I Was Just Being True To Myself” (And other lies we believe)

As I think about Thanksgiving and being around friends and family, God brought something to mind.

I can be loud. I can be an ‘overtaker’ of conversation and attention. I don’t mean to be. It’s usually not on purpose, but it’s my tendency.

And when this happens, it’s easy for me to fall into the thoughts of “Well, this is just me.” “I am who I am. If you don’t like it, sorry (not sorry).” “I’m just being true to myself.”

But wait a minute. I am who I am? God is the only one who can use “ I am who I am.”

Confessions of a Recovering People Pleaser: Part 2

Confessions of a Recovering People Pleaser: Part 2

A people pleasing Jesus would have neither served God nor man. He would not have spoken the truth that would set us free because he would have worried about who would be offended. He would not have overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the temple because he would have been concerned about what people would think of his “temper.”

A Surprise Message

A Surprise Message

Over the last few months, I have learned (like many other teachers) that this “back to normal” school year is not actually “back to normal” at all. Somehow, with decreased health, safety precautions and the availability of a vaccine, this year seems even harder than last. A month or so ago I was in the middle of struggling with the school year, my mental health, and my general work life balance…

How are we built up in Him?

How are we built up in Him?

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

Colossians 2:6-7

This week Susan Veenema and Melanie Wilson take a look at the verses above and help us answer how we are built up in God.

Confessions of a Recovering People Pleaser: Part 1

Confessions of a Recovering People Pleaser: Part 1

On the outside my childhood looked like a slice of Americana. I grew up in a middle class neighborhood outside of Washington D.C. with single family homes, plenty of open space, lots of friends and good schools. We had a home like everyone else. (Literally! There were only four kinds of houses in our community!) Unfortunately, my home was dysfunctional on the inside.

Lessons from a Dying Succulent

Lessons from a Dying Succulent

The summer after my senior year of college, I walked into a flower shop and walked out with a succulent. Like most of my plant purchases, it was an impulse buy. I’ve never had much of a green thumb, but succulents were trendy at the time and they’re supposed to be one of the easier plants to keep alive. I took it home, stuck it in a mason jar, and posted a photo of it on Instagram so my friends could see what a good plant mom I was.